Madrid Counselling is a form of therapy for emotional, psychological and relationship issues. It is normally a talking therapy that offers people a chance to change how they feel and to live better.
Nowadays we use creative tools as painting, stories, Metaphors, movies and other
ways to solve problems & build a better way of live.

Counselling Madrid  provides a regular time and space for people to talk, build stories, and moulding figures manually about your troubles and explore difficult feelings in an environment that is dependable, free from intrusion and confidential.

A counsellor respect your viewpoint while helping you to deal with specific problems, cope with crises, improve your relationships, or develop better ways of living.

In Madrid Counselling we are trained to listen patiently to your problems. Your counsellor can help you develop an understanding of yourself and others, and provide you with the support to work on the problems you face, facilitating positive change. It is a way of reducing confusion and enabling choice;

Counselling  Madrid therapist is accustomed to help integrate expatriates in their new environment, discover new resources, understand attitudes and habits of the population of madrid to help you integrate, enjoy and make the most of your stay in Madrid.

Don hesitate and call me to ask everything, first meeting free, so we can know each other, and see what could we work together.

We are in Madrid center, Metro Quevedo Phone: 655 62 10 14     /     91 591 57 41

Calle Jordán 3, Madrid 28010



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